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what is the correct path in "Hear the bellows roar" side quest, i cant figure it out

Is the void club dead??

Whenever I pass on the Holy Monastery, it cuts to the scene where I have to fight the demon (whom I have already beaten). Every time I capture the ice mage I get stuck on that and have to repeat all its quests and get on this motherfucking loop, I think it's a bug.

demon is clearly a bug, didnt find it before but now I saw what other people meant.

As for the ice mage, where does is bug? (you capture her and you see the next scene or before the battle end?

(2 edits)

There's no problem with the ice mage, only that when I have to get back to report to Laena i have to pass through the Monastery  and it starts the Demon scene again. The scene works perfectly :).

Ah I get it now, perfect, then I just check other reported bug and I'll upload a new version tomorrow probably.

Thx dude, you're too good for a place like I'm subscribing to your Patreon whenever I'll have enough money. :3

As long as people enjoy the game and help fixing stuff, I'm happy where ever haha

Uploading the new version right now!

demon is clearly a bug, didnt find it before but now I saw what other people meant.

As for the ice mage, where does is bug? (you capture her and you see the next scene or before the battle end?